Wednesday 26 June 2013

Franz Marc

Franz Marc

"The impure men and women who surrounded me (and particularly the men), did not arouse any of my real feelings; while the natural feeling for life possessed by animals set in vibration everything good in me." 

Franz Marc (1880 - 1916) was a German Expressionist painter.
He used colour to represent emotions within his works
Franz Marc yearned for a life on a higher spiritual plane, aiming to go into the priesthood before turning to art
He had a strong belief that animals were purer and more beautiful than man, he believed in the beauty of nature
Marc was one of the founders of Expressionism

“Marc's particular contribution to introduce paradisiacal imagery that had as its dramatis personae a collection of animals, most notably a group of heroic horses” – Nicolas Pioch
His paintings utilised: the expressive and symbolic use of color combined with various Cubist styles, during his later years.
Animals, to Marc were considered part of an age of innocence
He attempted to emphasise and portray the spiritual aspect of animals by painting them in non naturalistic colours, they were his expression of the human figure
“Marc associated blue with masculinity, and red and yellow with femininity since they are more earthy colours” - Gabi La Cava

He aimed to gain a profound emotional response from his audience at first glance
Blue horse 1

The Der Blaue Reiter was founded in Munich in 1911 with Kandinsky in response to the rejection of kandinsky’s work “Last Judgement”
World War 2 broke out and the government were enlisting men as troops
"There was a need for individual subjective expressiveness and a striving for order in a time of pending chaos.” - Dr. Jeanne S. M. Willette

Yellow Cow

His earlier works were similar to Walton Ford’s artworks that they used animals as symbolism for the nature of man, particularly the destructive nature of man
A theme of his animals was the fact they were presented as pure beings incomparison to the corrupted nature of mankind
He bases his works strongly on symbolism of animals and uses a variety of bold bright colours to get an emotional response from his audience


Influence on my artmaking
Like Marc I used as animals as a symbol of the variety of human culture and the interaction between them
My animals are unrealistic using bright unnaturalistic, colours to gain an emotional response from the audience

See Also

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