Tuesday 25 June 2013

Moataz Nasr

Moataz Nasr

Moataz Nasr (1961) is a multi-media artist and cultural activist from Cairo, Egypt
His parents did not believe in art as a profession so he was studying economics before he turned to art

Nasr has become  as one of the most important Egyptian artists, winning many awards, such as the Grand Prize in 2001 at the eighth Cairo Biennial, the prize at the Dakar 2002 Biennial  etc. 

Nasr's work uses the environment of Egypt as inspiration to express human despair and suffering, love and hope
His artwork is reflective of the social and political unrest in this country
His art is meant to engage an audience that may not be familiar with the language of contemporary art and create a relationship between the viewer and the artwork

The past is a key theme within his works, with references to fables, ancient relics, storytelling, religion and personal experiences

“Nasr seeks to challenge his audience with existential questions, and to provoke them to reflect on the transpersonal and metaphysical” - Lawrie Shabibi
He has been criticized by other artists, as an outsider as he did not study art academically

The current political struggles within Egypt resulting in much violence and riots are part of the world that is affecting his artwork

His artwork makes use of the complex intricate Egyptian symbols which he forms into shapes of animals
The symbolic significance within his work is characteristic of zoomorphism

The animalistic figures seek to symbolise the social and political unrest within Egypt

Influence on my artmaking
His use of symbols throughout his artworks is similar to my small drawings which take images and symbols from different cultures
The use of culture significance that Nasr utilizes is portrayed within my artwork as well

His profound use of symbols in similar to the style within my artwork

These artworks are from is "Collision" exhibition

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