Friday 28 June 2013

Lynnette Shelley

Lynnette Shelley

"Creatures reinterpreted through abstraction, decorative element and contemporary vision, these creatures speak to our collective unconscious" 

Lynnette Shelley
·         Lynnette Shelley moved to the Philadelphia area where she decided to pursue art, quitting her day job, she began professionally creating artworks in 2007.
·         She draws her inspiration from a style of Celtic art that uses a variety of colours and shapes which has been likened to images from an undiscovered ancient civilization or culture.


She often uses a concoction of ink, oil, pastels, pencils, and gold leaf, as most of her artworks are mixed media
Her artworks are reflective of the Celtic culture, utilizing these particular curling symbols
Her artworks are considered to contain Jungian associations.
The works are use bold, confident lines and ornamental, delicate detailing


Shelley working on her artwork Jangala

Being based in America she often exhibits her artworks locally particularly in Philadelphia
"Her artwork strikes a primal chord in many viewers, with almost Jungian associations found within” - Jennifer Schick

21st Century … she is trying to repopularise traditional Celtic art while still adapting her artworks to contemporary times

Shelley artwork involves using a large number of symbols to create animals
These animals are reminiscent of folk tales and mythology thus having cultural values within them

Fire Horse

Her Influence on my artmaking
Shelley’s use of bold bright colours and intricate designs has particularly impacted on the small drawings of my major work
My fantasy artworks are reminiscent of her style, as well as the remarkable use of symbols that she manages to pack within a single artwork
The idea of the mythological beings manifested from her artworks which in turn gave me subject matter for my major work
As she is pushing the idea of culture, I related my artworks to the interplay of different culture and how they all interact to create a multicultural society

The Swimming Horses

The Swimming Horses Work In Progress

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